Podcasts at Squadron of Sisters

Life after death

Sarah and Debbie explore the Bible’s teachings about life after death and discover insights that can guide us from death to life after experiencing suffering or heartbreak.

Encountering God Through Prayer

Sarah & Debbie share how to encounter God in prayer and become a powerful prayer warrior!

Improve your communication!

Learn how to uproot the unhealthy communication styles and learn how to nourish your relationship through your new and improved communication! Sarah & Debbie

Being content despite circumstances

Explore bible insights that teach us to become content no matter what! Saraah & Debbie

Spring cleaning

How to purge our hearts and embrace our faith and freedom! Sarah & Brooke

Spiritually aware & powerful!

Bible guidance on how the Christian woman can become more spiritually-aware and spiritually-powerful! (Debbie and Kimberly)

Joy, passion, sizzle!

Bible insights on how Christian women can gain joy, passion, and sizzle! (Debbie and Brooke)

The Calling of discipleship

Let unpack who is a disciple and how do we disciple? Sarah and Brooke

Shedding unhealthy coping mechanisms

How to break free from the cycle of unhealthy coping mechanisms. Sarah & Debbie

Father wounds, Mother wounds, husband wounds

Sarah and Debbie unpack how to heal from father wounds, mother wounds, and husband wounds.

Handling resentment and forgiveness

Sarah & Debbie unpack what we need to know about resentment and how to decide to forgive.

Thriving through serving

Learn the huge benefits of serving others, plus how to use your special spiritual gifts to bless others and bring glory to God! (Debbie and Sarah)

The Power of Encouragement

Sarah and Brooke unpack powerful encouragement from the Lord.

The Power of Love

Sarah and Debbie unpack the power of this one another command and teach how and why to love one another.

Big lessons from Philippians

Insights from the book of Philippians. Sarah & Brooke

How to heal from life’s hurts

7 Bible principles to help you grieve and heal from life’s hurts, past or present (Debbie and Brooke) Click here to find the pdf of 60 different emotions associated with grief or challenges:

Reflecting Christ at Christmas

Sarah and Debbie share 5 ways to reflect Christ and embrace the true meaning of Christmas.

Survival kit #7 (fishing Pole)

Sarah and Debbie reveal how to “cast” our continual focus on God so that we can “reel” in 3 important benefits of the food he wants to provide to sustain us during turbulent times.

Survival kit #6 (Bible)

Debbie and Brooke reveal why the Bible is so vital in your survival kit for turbulent times, and how to get the most out of the Bible.

Survival kit #5 (flashlight)

Three different ways God wants to use a “flashlight” to help you during trials, challenges, persecution or turbulence in your life! (Debbie and Sarah)

Survival kit turbulent times #4 (tent)

Bible insights on how to get equipped and prepared to stand strong during turbulent times ahead. Sarah & Debbie

Survival kit for turbulent times #3 (Rope)

The 3rd in our series on “Survival Kit for Turbulent Times”, this time applying the analogy of a “rope” that can greatly help you during any upcoming disaster, persecution or challenge. (Debbie and Sarah)

Survival kit for turbulent times #2 (fire starter)

Bible insights on how to get equipped and prepared to stand strong during turbulent times ahead. Sarah & Brooke

Survival kit for turbulent times #1(compass)

Bible insights on how to get equipped and prepared to stand strong during turbulent times ahead as well as guidance on how to help prepare your family too!

6 Keys to Access your Man’s Heart

6 keys to access your husband’s heart to have the deep emotional intimacy you desire. Sarah & Debbie

How the Awe of God transforms you

Discover how the Awe of God transforms us as we draw near to Him. Sarah & Debbie

God is your ice pick!

God is your ice pick! He will help you climb out of the valley. Sarah & Debbie *Song referred to in the podcast is “The more I seek you” by Kari Jobe.

God is your husband!

How to embrace God as the perfect husband. Sarah & Debbie

Praying in the Spirit

How to pray bulls-eye-prayers in the Spirit instead of blind prayers! Sarah & Debbie

God has a plan!

Sarah & Debbie